
ViVA. Nama panjangnya ViVA Voce. Perkataan Latin yang bermaksud pemeriksaan lisan.

Pelajar degree, master dan PhD pasti gerun, seriau bila dengar perkataan ViVA. Rasa jantung berdegup kencang, tak tenang memikirkan nasib sewaktu ViVA.

Walaupun ada "soalan bocor", tapi bila masuk bilik ViVA, habis lupa segala persediaan jawapan untuk soalan-soalan tertentu sebab takut, kecut dan gabra punya pasal. Huhuhu.

Semasa belajar degree, tajuk research saya ialah: A Study on the Factors that Influence the Youth's Willingness to Involve in Disaster Management Volunteerism.

Semasa belajar master, saya kembangkan tajuk research degree saya menjadi lebih terperinci iaitu: Motivating Factors that Influence the Willingness Level of Malaysian Red Crescent Volunteers' Involvement in COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis.

Muka gembira selepas tamat ViVA master! Happy sebab kena buat minor correction sahaja!

Cerita ViVA degree. Alhamdulillah berjaya bertahan sehingga ke penamat! Gembira sebab kena buat minor correction sahaja! Semasa degree, research buat dua orang. Saya dan partner saya, Hafizi, memang berhempas pulas untuk setahun, buat persediaan semua.

Tajuk research master saya, ada kesinambungan dengan research degree. Supervisor saya kata, nanti boleh la sambung topik yang sama di peringkat PhD. InsyaAllah. Hajat tu ada, tapi kena dahulukan perkara lain terlebih dahulu. Kena susun keutamaan.

Nak buat persediaan ViVA ni mesti ramai yang tertanya-tanya apa jenis soalan yang bakal ditanya, betul?

Berikut adalah kompilasi soalan, yang dikumpulkan melalui pengalaman sendiri, kawan-kawan dan bacaan. Semoga bermanfaat.

Disclaimer: Soalan potensi yang saya kongsikan ini mungkin lebih ke arah degree dan master by coursework. Master by research dan PhD soalannya pasti lebih extensive.


    1. Introduce yourself. Tell us about yourself.
    2. Why did you choose this research topic?
    3. Summarize your thesis/research/dissertation in 1/2/3 minutes /or in 1 sentence.
    4. What is the idea that binds your thesis together?
    5. What was your motivation to conduct this research?
    6. What is the main issue being debated in this study?
    7. Why is the problem statement of this study something important to address?
    8. What is your research objective?
    9. How did you determine this research objective in your study?
    10. Why did you chose this theory in your study?
    11. Is this theory suitable to use in this study?
    12. Many researchers had chosen this theory. Why did you still wanted to choose this one? What are you trying to prove?
    13. What is the history behind your subject or field of study?
    14. How does your study relate to the history behind your study?
    15. What are the latest developments in your subject or field of study?
    16. What is the reason in selecting this research question? How these research questions come out?
    17. What is the key focus area of your research?
    18. What is your research methodology?
    19. Why did you choose this research methodology?
    20. What did you gain from this research methodology?
    21. Are there other methods that can also be used in this study?
    22. If there is another method, why did you choose this research method?
    23. How did you construct your questionnaire? Did you adapt / adopt / adapt & adopt questionnaire from other researchers / build new questionnaire?
    24. This topic is fresh and new, and it doesn't have many past studies. How did you gather your resources?
    25. How would you rate your research?
    26. How do you know that your research findings are correct?
    27. What are the strongest and/or weakest aspects of your research?
    28. Did the research process go as intended? What are the challenges you faced through out this research journey? How do you overcome it?
    29. Rate your research skills. Are your research skills improving?
    30. How much does your research contribute to society and body of knowledge?
    31. Who will be interested in your research?
    32. What is the relevance of your research to the current scenario/society/professional group?
    33. Where do you think your research can be practically applied to?
    34. Do you plan to publish it? If yes, where do you want to publish it?
    35. Summarize your main findings.
    36. Among the findings of this study, which one is most interesting to you?
    37. Which of the findings is your personal favourite?
    38. Why are the findings of the study interesting to you?
    39. What are the implications of the research findings for your subject or field of study?
    40. How are the findings of your study closely related to the highlights of work (past studies) in your field?
    41. Elaborate how your findings relate to your literature review.
    42. Does your research inspired by some incident / personal experience in your life?
    43. What is the contribution of your thesis to the body of knowledge?
    44. What are the main achievements of your study?
    45. Is the research you made, worth your time?
    46. What are your expectations (in the future) of your subject or field of study?
    47. You propose future research in your thesis. How will you start a study in the future?
    48. If you are planning to do research again, would like consider using other research methodology?
    49. What will be the difficulties in the development of research in the future?
    50. How do you feel right now?

Selesai sudah soalan-soalan yang ada. Sekali lagi, berikut adalah kompilasi soalan, yang dikumpulkan melalui pengalaman sendiri, kawan-kawan dan bacaan. Semoga bermanfaat buat semua.

Pembentangan ViVA ni dia tak akan tanya sampai 50 soalan. Mungkin 10-15 soalan utama sahaja. Tapi setiap soalan tu dia akan berangkai, bergantung pada cara kita respon/jawab soalan yang ditanya.

Jika jawapan kita meyakinkan dan examiner pun yakin dengan jawapan kita, maka okay la. Kalau kita bagi jawapan yang tidak meyakinkan dan jawapan tu memberi ruang kepada examiner untuk bertanya soalan, maka mungkin akan jadi lama la sesi tu.

Kita as researcher kena ada self defense yang bijak. Target kita nak lepas ViVA degree / master tu. Elakkan bergaduh dengan examiner. Jangan jerat diri sendiri dengan menjadi orang yang tidak rasional.

Selamat maju jaya kepada semua yang akan membuat pembentangan ViVA! Practice makes perfect! Doa, usaha, ikhtiar dan tawakal.

ViVA ni konsepnya pembentangan. Boleh baca artikel saya berkenaan Tips Berkomunikasi Semasa Presentation Assignment. Asasnya tetap sama:

Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan dan dikurniakan kejayaan! All is well!


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