Assalammualaikum wbt dan salam sejahtera kepada semua sidang pembaca sekalian. Semoga semua pembaca dikurniakan rezeki melimpah-ruah, dipermudahkan segala urusan dan diberikan kejayaan di dunia dan di akhirat.
Entri kali ini, saya ingin menceritakan subjek-subjek yang diambil dalam Diploma Pentadbiran Awam UiTM - AM110 secara ringkas.
Dengan maklumat yang diberikan ini, anda boleh dapat gambaran apa yang bakal dipelajari kelak.
Ni subjek pada zaman saya. November 2013 - April 2016. Saya yakin dan pasti, ada subjek yang berubah. However, ni listnya untuk gambaran anda semua:
ECO211 | ||
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Haa.. Macam mana? Menarik kan? Ke rasa susah? Relax.. Belum belajar lagi memang la susah. Dah belajar nanti insyaAllah memang seronok.
Kalau perasan, ada campuran subjek mengira dan subjek membaca. Sebab apa? Sebab program ni pun nak hasilkan pelajar yang balance.
Kod PAD adalah subjek teras dalam program ni. Subjek PAD ni la yang korang kena banyak hafal dan membaca. Baca tu, kena fahamkan. Faham konsep. Jangan baca dan hafal tanpa faham. Memang struggle nanti nak bertahan sampai habis program.
Saya akan kupas subjek utama iaitu subjek PAD dan LAW.
PAD102 - Introduction to Public Administration
Subjek PAD102 adalah subjek mukadimah mengenai apa itu pentadbiran awam.
Apa itu pentadbiran awam? Pentadbiran awam adalah cabang kerajaan yang mengimplementasikan dasar-dasar kerajaan. Siapakah orang dalam pentadbiran awam? Mereka itulah yang kita gelar sebagai penjawat awam / pekerja kerajaan / staf kerajaan. Pentadbiran awam bersifat neutral.
Anda akan mempelajari proses, teras, prinsip dalam pentadbiran awam, khususnya di Malaysia.
Anda akan mempelajari perbezaan dan hubung kait pentadbiran awam dan politik.
Berikut adalah gambaran silibus subjek PAD102:
Introduction to Public Administration- Definition of public administration
- Importance of public administration
- Public administration and public policy
- The similarities and differences between private and public administration
- Types of bureaucacy
- The development of public administration in Malaysia
Weberian Bureaucracy
- Introduction to Weberian bureaucracy
- Characteristics of Weberian bureaucracy
- Neutral bureaucracy:
a) Advantages
b) Disadvantages
New Public Management (NPM)
- Introduction to NPM
- Characteristics of NPM
- NPM:
a) Advantages
b) Disadvantages
Government Machinery in Malaysia
- Introduction to government machinery - federalism
- The structure of government machinery in Malaysia:
a) Federal level:
Ministries, department, agencies
b) State level:
State department and agencies
c) Local government level:
Local authorities
Processes in Public Administration
1) Public Personnel Administration
a) Definition of public personnel administration
b) The purpose of public personnel administration
c) Public Service Commission (PSC)
d) Public Service Department (PSD)
2) Budget in Public Administration:
a) Definition of budgeting
b) The purpose of public financial administration
Public accountability in Malaysia
- The definition of public accountability
- Structure of public accountability:
a) Parliament
b) Auditor General
c) Ministerial responsibility
d) Public Account Committee (PAC)
Contemporary issues in Public Administration
- Discussion on any relevant contemporary issues in Public Administration (will be decided by the resource person)
Nampak macam banyak sangat topiknya betul? Ya itulah apa yang saya rasa juga sebelum ni. Tapi jangan risau, benda boleh settle. Kalau tak faham, tanya kawan-kawan atau lecturer. Setiap topik, boleh buat mind map.
PAD102 ialah subjek yang anda perlu kuasai. Jika anda faham asas PAD102, subjek-subjek PAD pada semester 2 dan seterusnya akan menjadi lebih mudah, kerana PAD102 berkait dengan semua subjek PAD.
Assignment besar saya waktu ni ialah mengenai FELDA.
PAD120 - Introduction to Political Science
Bagi saya, subjek ni seronok. Anda akan mempelajari asas, prinsip, konsep, teori dan teras dalam sains politik. Melalui subjek ini, anda akan diajar kepentingan politik dan fungsi politik dalam masyarakat.
Malaysia menggunakan sistem demokrasi berparlimen dan raja berpelembagaan. Kenapa bukan autokrasi? Kenapa Brunei mengamalkan sistem beraja berkuasa mutlak? Apa bezanya? Kenapa Myanmar diperintah bawah pemerintahan ketenteraan? Kenapa Pulau Batu Puteh diberikan kepada Singapura, bukan Malaysia? Nanti anda boleh jawab persoalan ini selepas memahami asas sains politik.
Berikut adalah gambaran silibus subjek PAD120:
IntroductionDefinitions of Political Science
Relationship of Political Science with other Social Sciences
c. Geography
d. Sociology
e. Psychology
Scope of Political Science
a. Public Administration
b. Political Theory
c. Comparative Politics
d. International Relations
Power, Authority, Legitimacy and Sovereignty
Definition of Power
Sources of Power
a. Authority and methods to gain authority
b. Legitimacy and mechanisms to obtain legitimacy
c. Sovereignty and ways to safeguard sovereignty
The State
Definition of the State
Elements of the State
c. Government
d. Sovereignty
Purposes of the State
Differences between State and Nation
Definition of Law
Sources of Law
Types of Law
a.National Law
b.International Law
Similarities and differences between law and morality
Definition of Constitution
Types of Constitution
a.Written and Unwritten
b.Rigid and flexible
Supremacy of constitution/ constitutionalism
Theory of Separation of Powers
Introduction to the Separation of Powers
Reasons for the Separation of Powers
Disadvantages of the Separation of Powers
Definition of democracy
Types of democracy
a.Direct democracy
b. Representative democracy
c. Substantive democracy
Characteristics of democracy
Weaknesses of democracy
Definition of autocracy
Characteristics of autocracy
Types of autocracy
b.Absolute monarchy
c.Military rule
Subjek ni seronok sebab anda akan pelajari apa itu sains politik. Nak berpolitik kena ada ilmu, maka mulalah dengan memahami asasnya terlebih dahulu.
PAD214 - Introduction to Public Sector Personnel Administration
Subjek Public Sector Personnel Administration (PPA) ni, dia macam belajar Human Resource Management (HRM). PPA ni pun ialah cabang HRM. Secara umum, PPA mengajar kita cara menguruskan manusia (lebih spesifik, staf kerajaan) melalui pelbagai bentuk seperti latihan, pembangunan, kebajikan, penggajian, perancangan dan banyak lagi.
Gambaran subjek dalam PAD214:
- Introduction to Public Sector Personnel Administration
- Human Resource Planning
- Job Analysis (JA)
- Recruitment
- Selection
- Human Resource Development (HRD) & Induction
- - Training & Development
- - Career Planning & Development
- Performance Appraisal
- Compensation
- Benefits & Services
- Discipline
- Safety & Health
Basically macam belajar HR la, cuma pembelajaran ini tidaklah terlalu spesifik macam jurusan HR. Ni lebih kepada gambaran menyeluruh.
PAD240 - Government & Politics
PAD240 adalah subjek susulan PAD120. Anda akan belajar struktur kerajaan dan politik dengan lebih mendalam. Untuk subjek ni anda akan cenderung untuk belajar sistem kerajaan dan politik Malaysia.
Definition of government.
Forms and system of government :
a. Monarchy
b. Republic
c. Presidential and Parliamentary system.
d. Federal and unitary system
Definition of Executive
Differences between the Political executive and the non-Political executive (civil service).
Classification of Executive
Different methods of selection; differences between the real Executive and nominal executive, differences between the single executive and plural executive. Comparison between Executive in Parliamentary and Presidential System.
Definition and functions of the civil service.
Principle of Politics, administration dichotomy
Executive from Islamic perspective
Definition and functions
Appointment and removal of members of the legislature.
Types of legislatures :
a. Unicameral; advantages and disadvantages
b. Bicameral; advantages and disadvantages
Differences between the Upper House and Lower House in the US, Britain and Malaysia
The legislative process and constitutional amendments (Special reference to Malaysian legislative process)
Delegated legislation and subsidiary legislation.
Direct legislation
a. Referendum; advantages and disadvantages
b. Initiative; advantages and disadvantages
Legislative from Islamic perspective
Definition and functions
Independence of the judiciary; meaning and significance
Independence of the judiciary; evaluation in the context of the US and Malaysia
The courts structure in Malaysia
Rule of law and rule by law
Judiciary from Islamic perspective
Political Party
Definition and functions
Origins of political parties
Classification of party systems
a. Single-party system
b. Two-party system
c. Plural-party system / multiparty system
d. Coalition/Alliance system
Dominant party system
Interest and Pressure Groups (Non-Government Organization)
Definition and functions
Differences between political parties and pressure groups
Types of Interest and pressure groups
Methods used by pressure groups to gain influence
Election System
Definition of Election
Theories of Franchise
a. Limited Franchise
b. Universal Franchise
Factors which influence voter behavior
Defining electoral areas
a. Single; member constituency
b. Multiple; member constituency
Process of election in Malaysia
a. Election Commission of Malaysia (SPR)
Foreign Policy
Definition of foreign policy
How to study foreign policy: Approach
a. The systemic-level
b. The nation-state level
c. Level of individual decision maker
Instrument of foreign policy
Malaysian foreign policy
LAW245 - Malaysian Legal System (MLS)
Subjek LAW245 ini mencakupi sejarah perkembangan sistem perundangan, sumber undang-undang dan sistem mahkamah di Malaysia. LAW245 juga mengajar kita pengenalan kepada undang-undang tanah dan tort di Malaysia.
Nanti anda akan belajar la pasal jenis mahkamah. Kalau kesalahan jenis A, akan dibicarakan di Mahkamah Tinggi. Kenapa bukan Mahkamah Majistret? Kenapa bukan Mahkamah Persekutuan? Dia ada la prosedurnya.
Introduction to Law1.1. Definition of law
1.2. Classification of law
1.3. Functions of law
Malaysian Legal History
2.1.Legal history of West Malaysia
2.1.1. The Malaccan Empire
2.1.2. The influence of Islam
2.1.3. The influence of Dutch, Portuguese and English
2.2.Legal history of East Malaysia
3.Sources of Law
3.1. Meaning of sources of law
3.2. Unwritten law
3.2.1. English Law meaning of common law and equity the content and application of Section 3.5 & 6 of Civil
Law Act 1956
3.2.2. Judicial Precedent the meaning of precedent the doctrine of binding judicial precedent (stare
decisis) the application of the doctrine advantages and disadvantages
3.2.3.Customary law adat ( Temenggung and Perpatih) customary law customary law customary law
3.2.4. Islamic law sources of islamic law the provision related to Islam under the Federal
Constitution syariah courts
3.3. Written law
3.3.1. Federal and State Constitution concept of supremacy of constitution important features of the Federal Constitution 1957
3.3.2. Legislation State and federal legislative bodies Legislative process
3.3.3. Subsidiary Legislation Definition the significance controls over subsidiary legislation
4.The Judicial System
Composition and Jurisdiction of:
4.1. Superior Courts
4.1.1. Federal Court
4.1.2.Court of Appeal
4.1.3. High Court
4.2.Inferior Court
4.2.1. Sessions Court
4.2.2. Magistrate Court
4.3. Court of Special Jurisdiction
4.3.1.Children's Court
4.3.2. Court Martial
4.3.3. Special Court
4.3.4. Native Court
4.3.5.Syariah Court
4.3.6.Industrial Court
5.Law of Torts
5.1.Trepass to person
5.1.3.false imprisonment
5.2. Negligence
5.2.1. definition
5.2.2. elements
5.2.3. defences
5.3.2.Libel and slander
5.3.3.The elements
5.3.4.The defences
5.4. Nuisance
5.4.1. definition
5.4.2. characteristics
5.4.3. public and private nuisance
5.4.4. defences
6.Land Law
6.1.Definition of land
6.2. Types of land
6.3. Classification of land use
6.4. Ownership and titles
6.5. law on fixtures and chattles
PAD270 - Malaysian Politics
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Dahsyat waktu ni nak buat assignment Malaysian Politics. Waktu ni kami ambil tajuk mengenai Hudud di Kelantan. Haa gitu. |
PAAD270 adalah subjek kesinambungan daripada subjek PAD120 dan PAD240. Anda akan belajar landskap politik Malaysia melalui perspektif theoretical dan empirical. Anda akan belajar politik semasa, sejarah politik Malaysia, belajar pasal parti-parti politik di Malaysia seperti Barisan Nasional, PAS, PKR dan lain-lain.
Ingat tak zaman sekolah dulu ada belajar mengenai Malayan Union, tragedi 13 Mei 1969 dan sebagainya? Subjek ni kita akan refresh pasal perkara ni dengan lebih mendalam.
Topik-topik yang akan dipelajari:
Chapter 1.0 Malaysian Politics: The BackgroundMalaysian Politics: The Background
1.1 Introduction to Malaysian Political History
1.1.1 Introduction: Political history
1.2 Characteristics of Traditional Malay Politics
1.2.1 Feudal system.
1.2.2 Social contract.
1.3 Contribution of the Immigrants
1.3.1 The Chinese.
1.3.2 The Indian.
1.4 Contribution of the British
1. 4.1 Modern political system.
1. 4.2 Malayan Union.
1. 4.3 Bureaucracy.
1. 4.5 Democracy.
1.5 The continuation of Traditional Politics
1.5.1 Elite circulation.
1.5.2 Malay supremacy (Ketuanan Melayu).
1.5.3 Islam & Malay Language.
Chapter 2.0 Concept/theory in understanding Malaysian politics
2.1 Ethnic Approach
2.1.1 Plural society.
2.1.2 Primordial.
2.1.3 Consociationalism.
2.2 Class Approach
2.2.1 Class struggle.
2.2.2 Patronage.
2.2.3 Neo-feudal.
2.3 Cultural Pluralism and the Politics of Accommodation
2.3.1 Lijphart Consociational Democracy.
2.3.2 Horowitz divided society conflict reductions theory.
2.4 Creation of Plural Society
2.4.1 Racial composition.
2.4.2 The Malay
2.4.3 The immigrants
2.4.4 Colonial British.
Chapter 3.0 Constitution and Federalism in Malaysia
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Constitution: The concept, characteristics and types.
3.1.2 Historical development of the Malaysian Constitution.
3.1.3 Features of Malaysian Constitution.
3.2 Constitutional supremacy vs. Supremacy of Parliament
3.2.1 The doctrine of supremacy of the constitution.
3.2.2 The doctrine of the supremacy of parliament.
3.2.3 The clash between these two doctrines/concepts.
3.3 Constitution and Purposive Depoliticization
3.3.1 Subversive Actions.
3.3.2 Purposive Depoliticization.
3.3.3 Declaration of Emergency.
3.4 Federalism in Malaysia
3.4.1 Introduction.
3.4.2 The Concept of Federalism Features of the Federation. Federal system in Malaysia.
3.5 The division of powers between the central and state
3.6 The relationship between the central government and state government
Chapter 4.0 Democracy and Political Development in Malaysia
4.1 Introduction.
4.1.1 The early development of democracy in Malaysia.
4.1.2 Scholar's views on Malaysian democracy
4.2 Democracy in Malaysia (1957-1969).
4.2.1 Tunku Abdul Rahman.
4.2.2 13th May 1969 tragedy.
4.3 Democracy in Malaysia (1970-1981).
4.3.1 Tun Abdul Razak from compromise to control.
4.3.2 Tun Hussein Onn.
4.3.3 Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed
4.4 Mahathirism (1990-2003)
4.4.1 Elements of Mahathirism. Nationalism. Capitalism. Islam. Populism. Authoritarianism.
4.5 Reformist and Liberalist (2003-current)
4. 5.1 Abdullah's reformist
4. 5.1.1 Islam Hadhari Glasnost. Perestroika.
4.6 Najib 1Malaysia.
4.6.1. New Economic Model
4.6.2. Government Transformational Plan (GTP).
4.6.3 National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS).
Chapter 5.0 Political Parties and the Election System in Malaysia
5.1 The history of political parties in Malaysia
5.2 Political parties and school of thoughts
5.2.1 Pragmatism.
5 2.2 Islam.
5.2.3 Socialism.
5.2.4 Democracy.
5.3 The Election System in Malaysia
5.3.1 The concept of elections.
5.3.2 Election Commission of Malaysia (SPR).
5.3.3 Delimitation constituencies.
5.3.4 The principles of delimitation of constituencies.
5.3.5 The procedures for delimitation.
5.4 Pressure Group and Elections in Malaysia
5.4.1 Characteristics of pressure groups.
5.4.2 Roles of pressure groups.
5.4.3 Strategies of pressure groups.
Chapter 6.0 National and Foreign Policy
6.1 Malaysia Main Policies
6.1.1 New Economic Policy (NEP).
6.1.2 National Development Policy (NDP).
6.1.3 Look East Policy.
6.1.4 National Vision Policy.
6.1.5 National Education Policy.
6.1.6 New Economic Model.
6.1.7 Any relevant policy
6.2 Malaysia Foreign Policy
6.2.1 The formation of Malaysian foreign policy External factors Internal factors
6.3 Foreign policy and political leadership
6.3.1 Tunku Abdul Rahman.
6.3.2 Tun Abd Razak.
6.3.3 Tun Hussein Onn.
6.3.4 Tun Dr. Mahathir.
6.3.5 Tun Abdullah Ahamd Badawi.
6.3.6 Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
6.4 Malaysian strategy in globalization.
Chapter 7.0 Islam in Malaysian Politics
7.1 Islam and politics: historical perspective
7.1.1 Historical perspective on the application of the Islamic
Law in the Malay Archipelago.
7.2 Islam and constitution.
7.2.1 Islam in the federal constitution.
7.2.2 The definition of Islam as the official religion of the
Federation and Its Impact on Malaysian Legal System
7.2.3 Amendment of the constitution ? Article 121.
7.2.4 The status of Syariah Court.
7.3 Islam and plural society
7.3.1 Conservative Islam.
7.3.2 Pragmatic Islam.
7.3.3 Islam Hadhari.
7.3.4 Moderate Islam.
7.4 The future of Islam in Malaysian politics.
PAD256 - Introduction to Public Sector Quality Management
PAD256 ni ialah subjek pengenalan kepada pengurusan kualiti, dengan penekanan kepada sektor awam khususnya di Malaysia. Ia bermula dengan konsep asas kualiti dan kualiti menyeluruh (Total Quality - TQ) oleh pakar kualiti yang berbeza. Ia beralih kepada perbandingan antara Pengurusan Kualiti Menyeluruh (TQM) dan pandangan tradisional tentang kualiti, diikuti dengan cabaran dan akhirnya diakhiri dengan garis panduan untuk mewujudkan pengurusan kualiti dalam sektor awam.
Topik-topik yang akan dipelajari:
Concept of Quality-Definition of Quality
-Definition of Quality Assurance (QA)
-Definition of Quality Control (QC)
-Definition of Total Quality (TQ)
-The Islamic Perspective of Quality
-TQ Views of Quality vs Traditional Views of Quality
-The Key Elements of TQ
-The Historical Development of Total Quality in the Malaysian
Public Sector
Total Quality Experts (Gurus & Scholars)
-General Quality Experts :
a.W. Edward Deming
b.Joseph M. Juran
c.Philip B. Crosby
d.Armand V. Feigenbaum
e.Kaoru Ishikawa
f.Genichi Teguchi
-Service Quality Experts :
a.Christian Gronroos
c.Valarie A. Zeithaml
d.Leornard L. Berry
Total Quality Management (TQM) in the Public Sector
-Definition of TQM (Concept and Characteristic)
-Principles of TQM in the Public Sector
-Requirements for implementing TQM in the Public Sector
-TQM Implementation Approaches to be Avoided
Service Quality in the Public Sector
-Definition of Service Quality
-Characteristic of Services
-Dimension of Service Quality
-Identifying Gaps in Service Quality; GAPS Model
-Quality in Service vs. Quality in Manufacturing
Customer Focus in the Public Sector
-Identifying Customers
-Identifying Customers; Needs in the Public Sector
a.Internal Customer's Needs
b.External Customer's Needs
-Customer/Client's Charter
-Building Customer Satisfaction Vs Strategizing Customer Loyalty
-Characteristic of a Customer Focused Public Organization.
Ethics vs. Quality in the Public Sector
-Definition of Ethics
-Factors Determining Ethical Behavior in the Public Sector :
a.Trust and Total Quality
b.Values and Total Quality
c.Integrity and Total Quality
d.Responsibility and Total Quality
-Ethical Leadership
Quality Management Awards and Standards
-National Level
a.Prime Minister Innovation Award (AIPM)
b.Public Sector Quality Awards (AKSA)
- International Level
a.Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA)
b.ISO 9000
c.5S Certification
Quality Culture and the Future of Quality Management and in the Public
-Definition of Quality Culture.
-Establishing Quality Culture in the Public Sector
-Challenges of Quality Management in the Public Sector
-Maintaining Quality Culture in the Public Sector
-Characteristics of Quality Management in the Public Sector
LAW309 - Administrative Law
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KiSSAF Associate, best group presenter in the batch. Siap dapat hadiah dari lecturer. Buat tajuk Rules of Natural Justice (RNJ). |
LAW309 ini memberikan pemahaman asas Undang-undang Pentadbiran. Ia berkaitan dengan struktur, kuasa, dan fungsi organ pentadbiran, had kuasa, kaedah kuasa termasuk remedi undang-undang yang tersedia untuk seseorang jika mahu menuntut haknya.
Gambaran topik yang akan dipelajari:
Introduction to Types of Administrative Powers1.1 Characteristics
1.2 Legislative power and its functions
1.3 Executive power and its functions
1.4 Quasi judicial power and its functions
1.5 The need to classify the powers
Judicial Review : Rules of Natural Justice
2.1 introduction
2.2 situations when natural justice can be claimed
2.3 right to be heard; notice and hearing
2.4 rules against bias; types of bias
2.5 effects of not complying with the rules of natural justice
Judicial Review: Subsidiary Legislation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Grounds for Judicial Review
3.2.1 Substantive ultra vires
3.2.2 Procedural Ultra Vires
3.2.3 Extended Ultra vires
Judicial Review: Discretionary Power
4.1 Definition
4.2 Discretionary powers in various statutes
4.3 Court?s power to review judicially the exercise of discretionary power
4.5 Grounds for reviewing the exercise of discretionary power
Remedies: purposes, functions and grounds for award
5.1 habeas corpus
5.2 certiorari
5.3 prohibition
5.4 injunction
5.5 mandamus
5.6 declaration
5.7 relator action
Government Liabilities
6.1 Government liability in contract
6.2 Government liability in tort
6.3 Government liability in relation to military personnel
Alternative to Courts
7.1 Ombudsman
7.2 Public Complaints Bureau
Administrative Tribunals
8.1 Features
8.2 Reasons for growth
8.3 Types or examples of tribunals
Public Incorporations
9.1 Features
9.2 Reasons for growth
9.3 Controls over public incorporations
Right to Information
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Government's privilege not to disclose information
10.3 The position in Malaysia
10.4 Government secret official
PAD320 - Introduction to Local Government Administration
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The Dark Knight Group "This is the best presentation in 9 years of teaching. I've been waiting so long for this. You guys really made my day!" - Sir Mujibu Abd Muis |
Kursus PAD320 ini mengkaji sistem kerajaan tempatan di Malaysia. PAD320 memberi pengenalan kepada konsep asas kerajaan tempatan. Hal ini diikuti dengan meneliti sistem desentralisasi (decentralization) seperti yang diamalkan dalam sistem Persekutuan Malaysia. Melalui subjek PAD320, anda akan melihat lebih dekat, memahami dan mempelajari hubungan antara Persekutuan, Negeri dan kerajaan tempatan. Anda akan mempelajari sistem kerajaan tempatan Malaysia yang diamalkan seperti sistem perwakilan, aspek kewangan dan kakitangan, undang-undang kecil dan perundangan berkaitan kerajaan tempatan. Akhirnya pelajar diperkenalkan dengan konsep tadbir urus tempatan dan urbanisasi serta isu-isu yang berkaitan di peringkat tempatan.
Bagi saya subjek PAD320 ni antara subjek yang menarik pada semester 5. Local Government atau LG ni unik. Dia punya unik sampai dia jadi satu subjek. Tak ada lagi setakat ni subjek Federal Government atau State Government. Local Government je yang ada subjek tersendiri sebab LG ni unik.
Introduction to Local GovernmentDefinition of Local Government
Objectives of Local Government
Functions of Local Government
Understanding local government characteristics
Obligatory and Discretionary functions
Sovereignty and Local Government
The system of decentralization as practiced in Malaysia
Types of decentralization
Decentralization as defined in the Malaysian context
The role of the District Officer in local administration
Federal and state controls over local government
Historical Development of the Local Government System in West Malaysia
Before and during colonization
Restructuring of Local government after independence
The Setting up of the Athi Nahappan Royal Commission
The main proposals of the Commisison
Local Government Act 171 (1976)
Legal Provision relating to Local Government
Main provisions of the Act 171
Main provisions of the Act 172
Main provisions of the Act 133
Local Government Ordinances for Sabah and Sarawak
By-laws in local authorities in Malaysia
Definition of by-laws
Challenges in enforcing by-laws
The categories of local authorities systems in Malaysia
Definition of local authority
City Councils
Municipal Councils
District Councils
The functions and characteristics of each category
Personnel Systems in local authorities in Malaysia
Closed/Separated system
Fusion system
Integrated system
The Personnel System practiced in Malaysia
Representation in Local Government
The concept of representation
The elective system
The appointment system
The merits and demerits of the appointed and the elected system
The role of the councilors in local government
The system of representation in Malaysia
Finances of local authorities in Malaysia
Definition of financial autonomy
Local government sources of revenue
A closer look at Assessment Tax
Definition of Assessment Tax
Problems dealing with Assessment Tax
Financial challenges faced by local government
Current issues in Local Government
Local governance
The principles of good governance
Urbanization and its challenges
Introducing Sustainable Development
Issues arising from Sustainable Development (eg. Local Agenda 21, Healthy and Safety cities)
PAD368 - Introduction to Industrial Relations
Subjek PAD368 ialah kursus pengenalan kepada perhubungan industri, namun ia memberikan perspektif holistik tentang hubungan antara pekerja, majikan, dan kerajaan di tempat kerja, khususnya di Malaysia. PAD368 memperkenalkan dan menggariskan amalan perhubungan industri di negara ini. Kursus ini juga merangkumi perkembangan semasa dalam hubungan industri Malaysia. Penjelasan keseluruhan adalah berdasarkan tiga undang-undang buruh utama di Malaysia iaitu; Akta Perhubungan Perusahaan 1967, Akta Kesatuan Pekerja 1959 dan Akta Pekerjaan 1955.
Basically dekat sini kita akan belajar hak sebagai seorang pekerja dan majikan dalam sesebuah organisasi. Kalau kena tindas, apa nak buat? Dan macam-macam lagi.
Overview of Industrial RelationsDefinition of industrial relations,
The importance of its theory and practice
Principles of Industrial Relations
Definition of harmonious relations
Effects of harmonious and non harmonious industrial relations
Types of decision making in the industrial relations system
Roles and functions of government in the industrial relations
Trade Unions
Definition of trade unions
Trade union objectives
Types of trade unions
Categories of trade unions
Composition of trade union
Requirement to register trade unions
Effects of de-registration
Requirement to be trade union executives
Union funds and accounts
Jurisdiction of the Director General of Trade Union
Immunity, Liability, Rights, Privileges and Powers of Trade Unions
Immunity from civil suit
Privileges of trade unions
Liability in tort and contract
Rights of trade unions
Powers of trade unions
Rights and Responsibilities of Employees and Employers
Rights of employees and employers
a) To form trade unions
b) To join trade unions
c) To take part in any trade union activities
Responsibilities of employees and employer
a) General responsibility
b) Specific responsibility
i) Prohibition on employees
ii) Prohibition on employers
Recognition of Trade Unions
Meaning of recognition
Scope of recognition
Types of recognition
Requirement of recognition
Procedures of recognition
Problems in the recognition process
Effects of recognition
Collective Bargaining and Collective Agreement
Collective Bargaining
a) Meaning of collective bargaining
b) Process of collective bargaining
c) Managerial prerogatives
d) Effect of collective bargaining
Collective Agreement
a) Meaning of collective agreement
b) Process of collective agreement
c) Content of collective agreement
d) Effects of collective agreement
Industrial Dispute and Industrial Actions
Industrial Dispute
a) Meaning of industrial dispute
b) Factors contributing to industrial dispute
c) Methods to resolve industrial dispute
Industrial Actions
a) Meaning of industrial actions
b) Types of industrial actions
I) Industrial action by employee
1. Picket
2. Strike
i. Meaning of strike
ii. Procedure of strike
iii. Prohibition of strike
iv. Penalty for launching illegal strike
v. Effect of strike to a country
II) Industrial action by employer
1. Lockout
Provisions of Employment Act, 1955
Employees covered by the Act
Employment contract
a) Meaning of employment contract
b) Forms of employment contract
i) Contract of service
ii) Contract for service
c) Termination of employment contract
i) Types of Termination
ii) Methods of Termination
d) Types of termination benefits
a) Definition
b) Period of payment
c) Methods of payment
d) Advancement of wages
e) Deduction of wages
f) Priority of wages
Working Hours
a) Definition
b) Normal hours of work
c) Overtime work and payment
d) Shift work
a) Rest day
b) Public holidays
c) Annual leave
d) Sick leave
Protection for female employees
a) Maternity benefit
b) Prohibition from night work and underground work
c) Exemption to the prohibitions
a) Types of termination
b) Termination benefits
Protection from sexual harassment
Arbitration Mechanism
Labor Court
a) Introduction
b) Jurisdiction
Industrial Court
a) Introduction
b) Structure of the court
c) Proceedings of the court
d) Jurisdiction
Industrial Relations in the Public Sector and Ethics in Industrial Relations
Unionism in the Public Sector
a) Characteristics of union
b) Membership restriction
Public Service Department
Salary commissions and salary committees
National Joint Council
General Order
Difference between industrial relations in the public sector and the
private sector
Ethics in industrial relations
a) Definition of ethics
b) Ethical values pertaining to harmonious industrial relations
PAD370 - Public Financial Administration
Kursus ini memperkenalkan pelajar kepada teori dan amalan pentadbiran kewangan awam di Malaysia. Ia memberi tumpuan kepada rangka kerja undang-undang, prinsip, sistem, proses dan prosedur serta pembaharuan dalam pentadbiran kewangan awam. Aspek seperti belanjawan, percukaian, hutang awam, perolehan, perakaunan dan pengauditan juga akan diliputi dalam kursus ini.
Daripada kursus ni nanti, anda tahu la, sumbangan besar pendapatan kerajaan ialah hasil kutipan cukai daripada rakyat. Nak buat sesuatu perancangan kewangan semuanya mestilah memberi manfaat kepada rakyat.
Scope and components of public financial administration
Objectives and significance of public financial administration
Distinction between public finance and private finance
Principles and Legal Framework
Public Budget / Budgeting System
Definition of public budget
Role of public budget
Principles of budgeting
Components of budget
Budgeting system in Malaysia
- Elements of Program Performance Budgeting System
- Elements of Modified Budgeting System
- Principles and strategic process of Outcome Based Budgeting
Public Budget - Public Revenue
Definition and objectives of taxation
Characteristics of a good tax system
Types of taxes
Sources of taxes in Malaysia
Definition and objectives of borrowing
Sources of borrowing
Public debt and it's implication
Public Budget - Public Expenditure
Scope and role of public expenditure
Reasons for public expenditure
Principles of public expenditure
Classification of public expenditure in Malaysia
Budgetary Process in Malaysia
Public Procurement
Objectives of public procurement
Policies and procedures in public procurement
Government procurement principles and categories of procurement
Methods of public procurement
Role of Federal procurement Board
Government assets management and assets disposal: policies and procedures
Public Accounting
Definition and importance of accounting
Principles of public accounting
Types of public accounting
Management of trust and deposit accounts
Accounting system structures
Role of the Accountant-General
Public Auditing
Definition and objectives of auditing
Categories of audit
Types of audit
Role of the Auditor- General
Annual Report of the Auditor- General
Role of Public Accounts Committee
Audit Act 1957 (Amendment 1978)
Federal State financial relations
Distribution of revenue between the Federal and State Governments
Federal grants to the States
Borrowing powers of the States
Role of the National Finance Council
Analysis of Federal State financial relations
Financial Control and Accountability
Definition of Financial Control and accountability
Objectives of accountability
Principles of effective accountability
Types of accountability
Mechanism for enhancing control accountability
Internal and external control
PAD381 - Southeast Asia Studies
Politik antarabangsa yang berkembang telah membentuk hubungan asas antara negara-negara di rantau Asia Tenggara. Kursus ini direka bentuk untuk melengkapkan pelajar dalam membuat keputusan yang lebih baik pada masa hadapan sebagai pemimpin generasi akan datang. Keupayaan untuk memahami hal ehwal semasa dan pembangunan di rantau ini, diperoleh melalui analisis mengenai isu-isu politik, ekonomi dan sosial serantau dan kaitannya dengan penciptaan wilayah yang aman, makmur dan progresif dibentangkan. Elemen kursus ini merangkumi hubungan latar belakang teori integrasi serantau setiap negara di rantau ini dan ASEAN, kerjasama serantau dan hubungan luar.
PAD390 - Development Administration
Development Administration PAD390 ni basically belajar pasal pembangunan untuk sesebuah organisasi, daerah, negeri dan lain-lain. Pembangunan ini penting untuk kita terus maju dan mengikut arus semasa.
- Introduction to Development
- History of Development Administration in Malaysia
- Social Changes
- Classification of Development
- Administering Development
LAW299 - Business Law
Kursus ini memberikan gambaran keseluruhan aspek utama undang-undang perniagaan. Topik yang diliputi ialah aspek undang-undang organisasi perniagaan, undang-undang kontrak, undang-undang agensi, sewa beli, penjualan barangan dan instrumen boleh niaga.
Sekian sahaja maklumat mengenai subjek-subjek dalam Diploma Pentadbiran Awam. Semoga bermanfaat. Mohon maaf atas kekurangan.
Adakah anda perlukan pencerahan apakah perbezaan antara jurusan ini dan jurusan seperti Diploma Pentadbiran Perniagaan? Boleh baca di sini:
Terima kasih semua.
Ahmad Azeem bin Ahmad Raslan (AZAR)
Alumni Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran & Pengajian Polisi (FSPPP) UiTM
Diploma Pentadbiran Awam, 2013 - 2016
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Pentadbiran (Kepujian), 2016 - 2018
Ijazah Sarjana Eksekutif Sains Pentadbiran, 2018 - 2020
#azaraslan #diplomapentadbiranawam #dpa #fsppp #publicadministration #publicadmin #uitm
Abg,macam mana pulak dgn microeconomics Dan macroeconomics
BalasPadamMicro dan macro tak susah sangat pun. Micro pasal ekonomi peringkat dalam negara, seperti household income, economic behaviour rakyat dsb. Macro ni skala besar, peringkat negara, antarabangsa, continent dll.
PadamCatat Ulasan