
Throwback. 19th May 2018. Saturday.

I attended Parliament since 2015, where I became a permanent observer during the session. And then, I became the Badan PEERs Kaunselor Assemblyman during 2016 and 2017.

At the end of 2017, I became a Student Representative Council (MPP) Assemblyman, till today.

Having a seat as a MPP is not an honourable seat. It is a tough and hot seat you know. It makes you feel like cats on hot bricks. Be prepared to be asked, bashed if you didn't perform the task properly.

Student Parliament had taught me so many things, in terms of protocol and public speaking.

So many memorable moments that couldn't be forgotten. Every series has its own memorable moments to be remembered. There are series where the total of motion is about 150+- motions that needs to be debated in 2 days.

There are also days where the motion (approximately 110+-) is too many, and it consumes time till late evening, and it is during Ramadan.

There are days where the motion is sensational, and the hall is filled with anger and rage. The norms of knocking the table repeatedly as a sign of agree, and sometimes protest, also support, is clearly circulates in my mind.

Last two days, unofficially, it was my last Student Parliament as a Student Representative Council Assemblyman. This moment has come to an end.

I hope that, all of the motions debated and discussed, will give a good impact to UiTM and its people. That is the job of Assemblyman, bring the voice of rakyat, and ensure it is done.

I will miss this moment.

May the YDP MPP after me, will carry the same philosophy as me, where we work for the student, not they work for us. People vote us, and we must contribute back to the society - The UiTM & Faculty.

Student voice and welfare must come first, then lies the mega or big program.

As a leader, we need to know what's the best for the student based on their demands. We cannot literally fulfill what student wants. Analysis, reading, observation is needed, so that we have our own justification, judgment, rationale on what we do. That's my POV.

Berbakti Demi Anak Bangsa. Pencetus Wadah Kepimpinan Mahasiswa. InsyaAllah.



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