Bersama dengan anak buah Biro Multimedia @ Klana Resort, Seremban, Program Majlis Makan Malam Pra Graduan UiTM Negeri Sembilan.

Diri kiri ; Arrin, Azeem, Syahidah.

Biasanya krja laki-2. Tapi kali ni, perempuan mendominasi.

Both of them are new in this field. Masih baru dalam multimedia. First timer. Xpernah tahu menahu dan sangka-2 serta menduga pun yg depa akan handle projector, buat poster, backdrop, main dengan teknikal dan lain-2.

Imagine, first timer, dapat first job, yg eventnya peringkat UiTM Negeri Sembilan. Big event. Oohh. Hebat. Pendedahan yang luar biasa dr jangkaan. Saya punya first event pun dlm UiTM je, itupun program persatuan dalaman.

Risau beb. Risau takut tercetusnya cacamarba. Tapi setelah diajar bgaimana utk buat poster, control slide, projector etc, terbukti mereka adalah fast learner. Mereka juga able to work under pressure. Siapkan slideshow masa event tgh run. Hebat.

It's a great start for the beginner.

Tak semua org boleh jd multimedia ni. Hnye yg betul-2 minat dan ada komitmen je boleh. And they have both.

Kecil-kecil cili padi, diam-diam ubi berisi.

They have overcome their fear factor. Mission accomplished. KPI achieved.

My bold act, succeeded. Alhamdulillah. I know they can get the job done, thats why I take the risk.

I've a high trust in both of them.

Minta maaf atas salah silap sepanjang saya jadi ketua kpd anda berdua. Maaf kalau tertinggi suara, maaf klu terlebih tegas. Semua yg saya buat tu bukan saja-2, tapi nak ajar korang berdua, the real scenario, and how to overcome when there's a problem, without relying on others. Meaning to say, critical thinking. So lepas ni, you'll know what to do when there's an occasion.

Syida, Arrin.

It's wonderful to work with both of you. Good cooperation given to accomplish the task.

Lets work again in the future. Kalau sudi la. Heh.

Lain kali bolehlah ambil post multimedia lagi, so bolehlah kita bergilir dlm post tu. Xdelh saya sorg je. Hehe.

Dan... Bolehlah saya pencen. Hehehe.

So, be ready la ye☝😉 P/S : Kepada junior Part 3 FSPPP... Belajar CSC elok-2. Ianya sangat berguna untuk masa depan. Percayalah. Especially sem 4. Lots of videomaking.

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